Tonies The Worst Witch
The Tonies The Worst Witch character magnetically attaches to the Toniebox (sold separately), allowing you to listen to something different every time. Switch with different Tonie characters and quickly jump between audiobooks, music or your own interactive audio adventures.
Mildred Hubble’s always in trouble, but is she really the worst witch at Miss Cackle’s Academy? Well, all a would-be-witch-or-wizard needs to do to find out is pop Mildred on top of a Toniebox.
This Tonie follows Mildred’s first year at her magical boarding school, from broomstick woes to cat-astrophic familiars to accidentally-turning-people-into-pigs. Mildred’s lessons are more about testing spells than spelling tests, so even with scary Miss Hardbroom around, it’s a pretty enchanting story.
Great for older magic fans, this Tonie is read by actress Gemma Arterton and is based on Jill Murphy’s original Worst Witch story. A storytime staple, it’s perfect to curl up with, whether snuggled on the sofa or listening on the road.
This Tonie teaches:
- Courage
- Perseverance
- New experiences
- The Worst Witch