Tonies Disney – Sleeping Beauty
The Tonies Disney Sleeping Beauty character magnetically attaches to the Toniebox (sold separately), allowing you to listen to something different every time. Switch with different Tonie characters and quickly jump between audiobooks, music or your own interactive audio adventures.
Once upon a dream, gifted with grace and imagination, the lovely Princess Aurora provokes the jealousy of the wicked fairy Maleficent. When Aurora falls into an enchanted slumber under Maleficent’s evil curse, the heroic Prince Phillip must brave many dangers – and finally battle a ferocious fire-breathing dragon – to try to awaken Aurora from her eternal sleep.
- 1. Main Title (Once Upon a Dream)
- 2. Hail to the Princess Aurora
- 3. The Gifts of Beauty and Song/True Love Conquers All
- 4. I Wonder (Karaoke Vocal)
- 5. Once Upon a Dream (Karaoke Vocal)
- 6. Sleeping Beauty